Saturday 1 June 2013

Since fully fledge admitting that this is a Made in Britain fashion blog, my devotion has gone from strength to strength. I have been researching, researching, researching; I don't want to just offer you new in at Topshop or River Island. As much as I respect and appreciate how accessible they are making Made in Britain fashion (we can't deny this cause needs big hitters behind it) I feel more light should be shone on indies. And although I have mentioned this before, I haven't necessary been shouting about it. But since my last post I have compiled, THE DIRECTORY.

 It is my intention to write about every single brand in the directory and their Made in Britain journey - well if I can get hold of it. I know it's a bit cliche to have a directory, every MIB devoted website has one, but I've compiled this one myself, no brand has asked to be featured in the list and I have picked it out because I would shop it. And if I haven't already, it is fully my intention to shop every single one, one day. It's also pretty in depth and specific I hope that the peruser of this website will actually find it useful, if they are looking for an alternative to what is available. I must stress that although every brand in the directory does manufacture in the UK, not everything is manufactured in the UK. Hence my research x 3. I want you to shop with confidence. Which is why I've asterixed anything which isn't entirely made in the UK and if you are in any doubt, I have found that the customer service dept are more than willing to tell you if you ask them - long winded I know but good assurance your investing in Britain.

Oddly, this leads me on to a lecture I had last night, I am a part-time student at LCF, in case you didn't know. This term we are introducing sustainability into our coursework. I must say I was feeling pretty assured and smug about my conscious efforts and beliefs towards shopping. Turns out, buying locally isn't all that sustainable, in terms of energy miles. I can't believe that for half a second, it has not deterred me in the slightest and I continue to care about how, where and who is making my clothes. It's really stuck with me though, and maybe that was the point, to get me thinking. But surely sustainability has many interpretations, that you can't just excuse something because it's not a bad as many perceive? Surely welfare of individuals, the processes which are used and the economy equally play into the sustainability of a garment. And this is why I still want to and will buy British.


Finally, although I said I feature people because I like them, it's important to remember that THE DIRECTORY, is by no means conclusive. If you are a brand which has stumbled across me and think that I would like you and would want to feature you, please get in touch. Or equally, if you are a brand which has found yourself in my little directory and want to let me know about your journey, and your views I'd be delighted to hear from you and elaborate on your DIRECTORY entry.

Or if you are just a reader and want to let me know anything about MIB related stuff, I'd like to hear it too.

Andrea xo


  1. This is so amazing, seriously, kudos to you for constructing this. I've found sme awesome sites becaus elf your posts, albeit most are out of my current price range but a girl can dream.


  2. because of* please excuse my auto correct which is always incorrect.




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