
Monday, 30 November 2015

All good things must come to an end and with 2016 looming, I can’t help but think The Mibber does not fit into my life anymore. I could just avoid it and at some point in the future take it down but something inside of me just wants one last post. Whilst on a personal level, I still champion British-made and I still want to shop from indie British Makers, my whole approach to fashion and shopping has completely changed through writing this blog.

As wonderful as all of the fine and beautiful things that are made here are, for me it is just as unsustainable to want these things because they are just things. There are adventures and experiences I would prefer to spend the money on.

I have recently become obsessed with Un-fancy. And her genius approach to a wardrobe, one I want to adopt, but feel is unnecessary to document to quite the extent she has. I want to be considered in my approach to my wardrobe, ultimately dressing for myself instead of The Mibber.

I have also recently joined a collaborative blog SAME. which allows me to write about anything perhaps the odd Mibbing may show up here, but I don’t feel as confined to the pre-sets I created on The Mibber nor to the schedule of a sole blogger, because let’s face it consistent blogging is hard work. As well as a few other ideas in the pipeline, I don’t have the free time to devote to this online persona, so it’s time to retire this corner of the internet to focus on myself.  

I want to thank all of the brands, readers and supports of my little blog and will continue to hold the directory open and these pages for inspiration to anyone looking to buy women’s British fashion. There is still a hell of a lot of great things out there and I will still be looking and occasionally shopping these too.

Truly wonderful things about being The Mibber:
  • I have found STALF, M. Hulot, Hilary Grant, Ronnie Northampton, Baia, Lexie Sport, Hiut, Beaumont Organic, House of Hackney.. the list does go on and on and on
  • I have bought a lot less and have a defined style aesthetic, bye bye trends!
  • I am a lot more conscious when I shop, impulsive shopping be gone!
  • I appreciate the value and worth of clothes, what every stitch means
  • I recycle, reuse and donate my clothes instead of selling on eBay
  • I’ve seen high street brands proudly list provenance on their websites, Mulberry even going as far to brand it on the base of bags. Marks and Spencer and Jaeger once synonymous with British manufacture revive their affiliation with specific MIB lines.
  • I have a tiny wardrobe, one drawer and half a rail – but I love everything I own and actually wear it
  • I have been inspired and still am inspired by all of the self-starters, creators and innovators, who just thought ‘F**k it! I can do this myself’ and created amazing brands, with wonderful ethics and are a delight to shop from.
  • That feeling you have when you buy something new means a lot more when you know you can afford it, will wear it and know it has come from a good place. It’s no longer a fleeting feeling that never quite satisfies you.

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ―
Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

Lots of Love,

p.s. if you care follow @andrea_ava on Instagram or Pinterest to find out what’s next please do.
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